
Pushed from ELI Database.
This is the "Semantic Statement" form.
To create a page with this form, enter the page name below;
if a page with that name already exists, you will be sent to a form to edit that page.

{{#forminput:form=Semantic Statement}}

<div id="wikiPreview" style="display: none; padding-bottom: 25px; margin-bottom: 25px; border-bottom: 1px solid #AAAAAA;"></div>
Existing property see [[:Category:Basic_property|basic properties]] and [[Special:Properties|all properties]].
If you need to define a new property, use [[Special:CreateProperty]] first!<br/>
For a (physical) quantity property, use [[Form:Quantity_property]] first!<br/>
To create a reference, use [[Special:FindCitableMetadata|import tool]] (via doi) or [[Form:Semantic Reference]] (manual)!
{{{info|page name=Statement:<unique number;start=000000001>}}}
{{{for template|Semantic Statement}}}
{| class="formtable"
! subject:
| {{{field|subject|input type=text with autocomplete|values from category=Semantic Element}}}
! property {{#info: is described in detail by one or multiple quantitiy or quality relation below}}:
| {{{field|property|input type=combobox|values from namespace=Property}}}
! object (optional) {{#info: if the subjects property is descripted only regarding one specific object}}:
| {{{field|object|input type=text with autocomplete|values from category=Semantic Element}}}
! reference {{#info: paper, website, etc.}}:
| {{{field|reference|input type=text with autocomplete|values from category=Semantic Reference}}}
! quality:
| {{{field|quality}}}
{{{end template}}}

{{{for template|Semantic Quantity|multiple|add button text=Add quantity}}}
{| class="formtable"
! Quantity (e. g. "mass"):
| {{{field|quantity|input type=combobox|values from property=Quantitative property name}}}
<!-- | {{{field|quantity|input type=SF_Select|query=((Category:Quantitative property));format~plain;sep~,;link~none;headers~hide;limit~
200|sametemplate|mandatory}}} -->
! Value (e. g. "3.4"):
| {{{field|value|input type=text}}}
! Unit (e. g. "kg"):
| {{{field|unit|input type=SF_Select|query=((Property:@@@@));?Display units;format~plain;sep~,;link~none;mainlabel~-;headers~hide;limit~
! Type (optional, e. g. "lower limit"):
| {{{field|type|input type=combobox|values=lower limit,upper limit,average}}}
{{{end template}}}

{{{for template|Semantic Relation|multiple|add button text=Add relation}}}
{| class="formtable"
! Relation qualifier (e. g. "more than"):
| {{{field|relation qualifier|input type=text with autocomplete|values from property=Relation qualifier property name}}}
<!-- | {{{field|relation qualifier|input type=text with autocomplete|values=more than,less than,much more than,much less than,nealy equal to,equal to}}} -->
! Relation reference object:
| {{{field|relation reference|input type=text with autocomplete|values from category=Semantic Element}}}
{{{end template}}}

'''Free text:'''

{{{standard input|free text|rows=10}}}

{{{standard input|summary}}}

{{{standard input|minor edit}}} {{{standard input|watch}}}

{{{standard input|save}}} {{{standard input|preview}}} {{{standard input|changes}}} {{{standard input|cancel}}}
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