
Revision as of 07:29, 23 June 2022 by Simon Stier (talk | contribs) (Simon Stier changed the content model of the page Module:LabProcess/Parameter/Config from "wikitext" to "Scribunto": wrong content model defined by PageImporter)
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:LabProcess/Parameter/Config/doc

local p = {}

-- another example, subobject used inside another function
function p.create_url_param_string( parameters, index )
	local result = ""
	for key,value in next, parameters do --somehow 'in pairs(parameters) do ' gets wrong values?
		result = result .. "[" .. index .. "][" .. key .. "]=" .. value ..";" 
	return result

-- from
function p.copy(obj, seen)
  if type(obj) ~= 'table' then return obj end
  if seen and seen[obj] then return seen[obj] end
  local s = seen or {}
  local res = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(obj))
  s[obj] = res
  for k, v in pairs(obj) do res[p.copy(k, s)] = p.copy(v, s) end
  return res

-- from Module:LabProcess/Object
-- replaces a number patter with an index, e. g. 
-- Object0000 -index=32-> Object0013
function p.indexed_string(string_pattern, index)
	local pattern = string.reverse(string.match(string.reverse(string_pattern), "%d+")) --select the last number group
	pattern = string.gsub(pattern, "%d", "0") --reset to e. g. 0001 to 0000
	local pattern_len = string.len(pattern)
	local index_string = "" .. index
	if (string.len(index_string) < pattern_len) then --auto grow pattern
		index_string = string.sub(pattern .. index, -pattern_len) 
	local result = string.reverse(string.gsub(string.reverse(string_pattern), "%d+", string.reverse(index_string), 1)) --replace only the last number group
	return result

function p.test()
	mw.log(p.create_url_param_string({p1= "value1"}, 1))

function p.common(frame, params)
	-- set default
	local page = nil
	if frame.args['page'] == nil then page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	else page =['page']) end
	if params['count'] == nil then params['count'] = "1" end
	local count = tonumber(params['count'])
	if (params["id"] == nil) then params["id"] = "P0000" end
	if (params["name"] == nil) then params["name"] = "Param0" end
	if (params["label"] == nil) then params["label"] = "Param 0" end
	--if (params["object_id"] == nil) then params["object_id"] = "O0000" end --object_id is optional
	if count > 1 then
		if params["object_id"] ~= nil and string.match(params['object_id'], "%d+") == nil then params['object_id'] = params['object_id'] .. "0" end -- e. g. "P" -> "P0"
		if string.match(params['name'], "%d+") == nil then params['name'] = params['name'] .. "0" end
		if string.match(params['label'], "%d+") == nil then params['label'] = params['label'] .. "0" end
		if string.match(params['id'], "%d+") == nil then params['id'] = params['id'] .. "0" end
	-- common
	if (params["actual_category"] == nil and params["nominal_category"] ~= nil) then params["actual_category"] = params["nominal_category"] end
	if (params["actual_type"] == nil and params["nominal_type"] ~= nil) then params["actual_type"] = params["nominal_type"] end
	if (params["actual_instance"] == nil and params["nominal_instance"] ~= nil) then params["actual_instance"] = params["nominal_instance"] end
	if (params["actual_instance_static"] ~= nil and params["actual_instance_static"] ~= "") then
		if string.match(params["actual_instance_static"], "#") == nil then params["actual_instance_static"] = page.fullText .. "#" .. params["actual_instance_static"] end
	-- devices
	if (params["actual_setup"] == nil and params["nominal_setup"] ~= nil) then params["actual_setup"] = params["nominal_setup"] end
	-- quantitatives
	if (params["actual_quantity"] == nil and params["nominal_quantity"] ~= nil) then params["actual_quantity"] = params["nominal_quantity"] end
	if (params["actual_unit"] == nil and params["nominal_unit"] ~= nil) then params["actual_unit"] = params["nominal_unit"] end

	if count == 1 and params['offset'] == nil then params['offset'] = "1" end
	if params['offset'] == nil then
		id_offset = tonumber(string.match(params['id'], "%d+"))
		if params["object_id"] ~= nil then object_offset = tonumber(string.match(params['object_id'], "%d+")) end
		name_offset = tonumber(string.match(params['name'], "%d+"))
		label_offset = tonumber(string.match(params['label'], "%d+"))
		id_offset = tonumber(params['offset'])
		object_offset	= tonumber(params['offset'])
		name_offset	= tonumber(params['offset'])
		label_offset	= tonumber(params['offset'])
	if params['index_offset'] == nil then params['index_offset'] = "0" end
	local index_offset = tonumber(params['index_offset'])

	--delete config params
	params['count'] = nil
	params['index_offset'] = nil
	local result = ""
	for index = 0, count - 1 do
		if count > 1 then
			params['id'] = p.indexed_string( params['id'], index + id_offset)
			params['name'] = p.indexed_string( params['name'], index + name_offset)
			params['label'] = p.indexed_string( params['label'], index + label_offset)
			if params["object_id"] ~= nil then params['object_id'] = p.indexed_string( params['object_id'], index + object_offset) end

		--object_ids = object_ids .. params['id']
		--local params = p.copy(params)
		result = result .. p.create_url_param_string(params, index + 1 + index_offset)
		--result = result .. p.create_url_param_string(frame, index)
	return result	

function p.object(frame)
	local params = p.copy(frame.args) --frame.args is a metatable so we have to create a normal table as copy to edit it
	if (params["label"] == nil) then params["label"] = "Object 0" end
	return p.common(frame, params)

function p.tool(frame)
	local params = p.copy(frame.args)
	if (params["label"] == nil) then params["label"] = "Device 0" end
	return p.common(frame, params)

function p.file(frame)
	local params = p.copy(frame.args)
	if (params["label"] == nil) then params["label"] = "File 0" end
	return p.common(frame, params)

function p.quantitative(frame)
	local params = p.copy(frame.args)
	if (params["label"] == nil) then params["label"] = "Quantitative 0" end
	return p.common(frame, params)

return p

frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() -- Get a frame object
newFrame = frame:newChild{ -- Get one with args
	title = 'LabObject:OSL02344d31ba6d4e49acc75772946f1ba1' ,
 args = { 
["nominal_category"] = "Category:OSLb1415173552d4921acf30ac51f3bce62",
["name"] = "MagazineSelection",
["label"] = "Magazine Selection",
["count"] = 3
mw.log(p.object( newFrame ) ) 